beautiful people.

11:21 PM

Today I had the most interesting & thought-provoking conversation with my cute roommates. After hearing different comments about what different people find beautiful, it made me think to myself, "Had, whyyy do you worry so much?"

I love the quote, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," because I feel that it's just so truthful. Every single person, in every single place on this earth has something beautiful inside of them - and as I meet lots & lots of new people on this new adventure, I'm going to try and find that beautiful thing. 

Because my roommates were the ones that initiated this thought process, I want to share something beautiful about each one of them:
Madison - an interest in others, an amazing giver of advice
Alyssa - a desire to make those around her feel cared for
Mikayla - a pizzaz for life, makes everyone around her giggle.

Love those three & that I get to live with them for the next little while. Thankful for the ladies of #314.

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