happy had: 3.

8:00 PM

being introduced to the upstairs of the provo library * officially deciding where i'm going to be studying next year (byu hawaii) * getting to vote for the first time ever * going to a great big world concert * booking a flight to hawaii * messaging sweet gabi from france for the first time in months * enjoying a very relaxing spring break * figuring out that my new favorite place is the hammock under our deck * an amazing general conference * going to 6 different temples in 6 days * spending time with my 2 sweet nieces * going to a mat kearney concert * peach smoothies from kneaders * exploring vegas with my momma & cj * my dad sending us kids the most adorable picture of he & my mom when they were dating * chaperoning cj's field trip to the state capitol yesterday


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  1. Don't know why I'm just seeing this, but a peach smoothie from Kneaders sounds DIVINE!!!


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