1, 2, 3, 4.
11:26 AMThis week/weekend has been wonderful! I'm so grateful for all of those that have been apart of it. :) Here is a little update on what I've done:
Wednesday: My friend, Mandy Durland's birthday! Mandy, Katy, and I went to the Provo Mall. We got pretzels, walked around the stores, and even played with the coin tunnel thing! It was such a blast!
Katy, Mandy, and I :) |
Playing with the coin tunnel thing... We had way too much fun. ;) |
Modeling the headbands & hats in one of the stores! |
Friday: Went to the temple with a group of friends then went to watch some friends at their ballroom competition!
The group that went to the Provo Temple! |
Abigail, Sam, Dayson, and I at the competition :) |
Maddie all dressed up for her event! |
Sam & I watching the competition! |
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Dayson all dressed up for his event! |
Saturday: Went with my young women's group to sing at a Camp Mia Shalom meeting for leaders, babysat, and then went to the ballroom competition again (this time I competed)!
Abby & I at the competition :) |
Isaac & I getting ready to dance! |
Isaac and I competing :) |
We were the best fan club....ever. |
Dayson, Connor, and I! |
Dayson, Abby, and I :) |
Connor really enjoys wearing my glasses... and Abby likes wearing Connor's? :) |
We were at the high school until 1 in the morning... but it was so much fun. :) After the competition ended Abby & I stayed and helped clean up before we got a ride home from Maddie. Just in case you're wondering--being at the high school at 1am is oh so much fun! Bucket list? Check.
If you are wondering about the title of my post... It's the song by Plain White T's. I've woken up to it almost every day this week. It has become one of my favorite songs. :)
Speaking of favorite songs--just recently I have begun to truly appreciate Hymns. Some of my favorites are Count Your Blessings (#241), I Know that My Redeemer Lives (#136), I Stand All Amazed (#193), Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel (#252), and There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today (#227).
I love the gospel. I feel like I have really started to take the teachings of the gospel into my heart. :) Every time I go to church, listen to a talk, sing a hymn, read my scriptures, or say my prayers I feel like I grow that much closer to my Father in Heaven. I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I'm so blessed to have the gospel in my life. I have been so blessed to be able to grow up in this church!
...and there are the crazy adventures of Hadley Bea! :)