Life is currently wonderfully crazy.
So many changes have happened & are coming up world is going to be a little different.
This summer has been unreal. It started with a trip to California with my amazing family. We got to spend 3 days in Disneyland laughing & making memories.
From there, Momma, Dad, Mckayber & I flew to Italy for the next 10 days for Mckay & I's combined Senior Trip. Italy is the most amazing and romantic country I've stepped foot in. Granted, it's the 4th country I've stepped foot in...but still. Italy was filled with crazy adventures, amazing scenery, beautiful buildings, and TONS of glorious food. (pasta + gelato = my dream meal ❤️) This trip was Mckayber & I's last little hoorah together before we sent him off on his mission, and I'm so, so grateful we got the chance to spend that time together.
Momma & I slept about 4 hours after getting home from Italy, then went to Girl's Camp. Thinking that this was my last year going as a girl is crazy to me...but it was a wonderful testimony-building experience and I absolutely adore being a YCL.
Once we got through June craziness, the focus was on sending Mckayber off! He left on July 15th to go into the Provo MTC. I seriously love that boy more than words can express, and I'm so proud of the sacrifices he's making. I pray for his success daily <3.
Now CJ & I are getting used to it just being the 2 of us left at home (although Mad & McKay still live in our basement...but they're leaving us from September to December for an internship in New Jersey, and then it really will just be the 2 of us!).I'm so excited for school to start (everyone I tell that to thinks I'm crazy)! I am looking forward to making my Senior Year the best one yet. :)
- 7:26 PM