Wow, summertime is glorious. Thank goodness for the almost-three-month break they give us in-between crazy school years (...not saying I couldn't get used to year-round school...I'm sure I could...but holy cow I love summer)! This summer has been Oh So Very relaxing...and I just happen to be Oh So Very grateful for that fact! I've gotten the chance to spend a lot of time with my dear Momma running errands and stopping at Sonic during 'Happy Hour' one-too-many times. I've also had the chance to go on some *extremely* fun dates and spend quite a few hours with friends making memories that will last a life-time. Thank you to everyone who have helped me to make these 3 weeks of summertime (so-far...I don't want it to be over THAT fast!) simply glorious.
(sorry...they ended up being in a really weird NOT-chronological order)
- 12:59 PM